Sonatina No. 4

This sonatina is filled with exciting dynamics and articulations!

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James King’s Sonatinas are wonderful style-pieces suitable for students and teachers who looking for fresh music similar to the great Sonatina masters (Clementi, Kuhlau, Beethoven, etc.)

This two-movement sonatina incorporates lots of articulation work as well as dynamic shading. The second movement is quite a bit easier than the first, and would be suitable for most early intermediate students. (This makes Sonatina No. 4 an excellent choice for an intermediate student who may not have as much time to prepare a recital piece, without the embarassment that performing a piece below one’s level might create.)

Key: C major/G major

Mood: Happy, energetic, enthusiastic. Calm and sweet in the second movement

Pedagogy: articulations, dynamics, fingering


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