Professor King’s Celebrated All-Purpose Exceptional Invigorating Effectacious Good-Time Spirited Composition for the Modern Piano-Forte

(2 customer reviews)

From $3.00

A long title and a lot of fun, this ragtime-inspired piece will have everyone smiling!

Hurry, Hurry, Hurry, Step right up!

Say, my friend, If you have a case of the blues and you need a quick cure, you have come to the right place!

Just take a gander at Professor Kings Celebrated All-Purpose Exceptional Invigorating Effectacious Good-Time Spirited Composition for the Modern Piano-Forte! Staccatos, accents, syncopations, and a special “stop-time” section combine in a proprietary patented harmonious formula that cures ennui, lethargy, and every form of that down-in-the-dumps, can’t-practice feeling!

Buy today and get dynamics and fingerings added at absolutely no additional charge!

A gen-you-wine masterpiece like this comes only once in 1000 years!

Students in the West, the Midwest, the East, the Southeast, the Middle East, the Far East, the six continents—we’re working on Antarctica—and the seven seas have been begging for this classic since twenty-aught-sixteen! And you—yes, you in the front—you don’t want your students to be left out, do you? Of COURSE not! It would be a travesty to not bring home this entertaining, educational, enlightening, incredible piece!

Don’t buy just one; get a studio license today while supplies last!

Key: C Major

Mood: incredibly happy

Pedagogy: syncopation, accents, staccato, parallel chromatic chords

Skill Level

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SKU: AJM16007 Category: Tags: , , , , ,

2 reviews for Professor King’s Celebrated All-Purpose Exceptional Invigorating Effectacious Good-Time Spirited Composition for the Modern Piano-Forte

  1. Colleen Branson

    What fun! I really enjoy this piece!

  2. Edward Varela

    My nine-year old loved this piece. It was a little bit of a challenge for him, but he absolutely loves letting his fingers fly on this piece. And the title…who wouldn’t love playing a piece with a title like this. Fun all around.

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