This superhero themed piece tells a story, similar to A Night at the Silent Movies. This piece is on the easy side of early intermediate, with a number of tempo and mood changes. Opening with a Mozart-ian “mild mannered” theme, it then moves to a contemporary anxious signal for help. The hero rushes to change into his superhero outfit, and then emerges with a glorious fanfare that is reminiscent of the 1940s Superman cartoons.
Students may get inspired to create their own superhero drama to match the music!
Key: C major
Mood: mild-mannered, anxious, victorious, and mild-mannered once again.
Pedagogy: accelerando, ritardando, repeat signs, pedaling, accidentals
Jennifer Foxx –
I’m really excited to use this in correlation with an upcoming summer camp! I loved A Night at the Silent Movies and am looking forward to this one as well! 🙂
panharmonicmusicstudio –
I love all of your music! Thank you!
Gloria –
james’ music is so playable! And appreciated. I love it!